Helping to connect great employers with great people

Partnering with employers

At Futureworx we value our strong employer relationships and their role in creating a thriving economy and opportunities for our clients to excel. Understanding the needs of our employer community is a cornerstone of our operations. Whether that means tailoring our services to meet a specific employer’s needs, collaborating with industry sectors on growth initiatives or supporting recruitment and retention, engagement with employers is a top priority!

We offer an expansive range of employment, educational and training programs, as well as business, corporate and customized services that innovatively respond to the needs of our community, our province and our partners across Canada and internationally. Our Customized Training is tailored to your organization's labour market needs, focusing on the knowledge and skills uniquely required by your workforce. Since inception, we have served over 2,000 employers!

Post a job

Nova Scotia Works has an extensive job posting platform that will help you connect with potential employees.

“Futureworx has been a trusted partner of ISANS for 10 years. The partnership has greatly helped our employers looking to access services to hire qualified candidates. We have worked together to deliver many training opportunities for the community and collaborated on activities assisting with job seekers and employer supports. We are grateful for the continued partnership!”

— Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia